ZF English

Government securities close to floating

30.06.2008, 19:26 10

Technical tests aimed at determining whether government securities should be listed on the stock exchange are drawing to a close. The instruments will start trading depending on regulatory framework approvals and decisions on eligible securities. Representatives of the Finance Ministry and the capital market are optimistic about being able to list government securities this summer. "Technical tests started before the scheduled date, June 16, and are going well. Some issues are yet to be clarified, regarding the reports we need to make to the NBR (National Bank of Romania). Data is needed in order to put together statistics on the number of resident and non-resident individuals and legal entities, that hold government securities," Adriana Tanasoiu, general manager of the Central Security Depository, told ZF. She specified that, after the report-related issues are clarified, final modifications would be performed to the Central Depository Code, with the NBR to make regulatory modifications, as well. The modifications will then have to be approved by the central bank and by the National Securities Commission.

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