ZF English

Gran Via builds 2,900 homes in Constanta

29.06.2007, 18:09 13

Spanish group Gran Via plans to build a 2,900-flat project in Constanta. The project would be developed over three stages, with the first stage to entail the construction of 900 homes, through a 50 million-euro investment, stated Alberto Mas Vil?, manager of Gran Via for Romania. "The project will be built on a 65,000 square metre area, which we acquired for approximately 35 million euros. The actual built area of the project covers 241,000 square metres," said Mas Vil?. The residential complex will be developed in partnership with Socorota Ltd. The two companies set up Gran Via Varianta, which they control in equal shares. The first 900 homes will be delivered onto the market during the course of 2009. The project will be located on the site of a former fruit market in Constanta, near the Constanta-based Polus Center, which was developed by Trigranit.

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