ZF English

Health insurance companies: We cannot do without higher tax deductibility

26.05.2009, 17:00 9

The private health insurance market, estimated at 10 million euros and 15,000 contributors last year, could be invigorated by the introduction by the Health Ministry of the general medical service package and of co-payment. The main incentive, however, would be to increase the deductible amount for the employer, concluded the participants at the "Private health insurance. When confidence in Romanian medical services will be restored" event organised by Ziarul Financiar in partnership with Signal Iduna insurance company. "If an employer buys a policy with a monthly premium of 60 RON, the total expenses it entails reach 200 RON, because the rest of the taxes that come with each benefit are added on top of that value," said Sinziana Maioreanu, CEO of Signal Iduna. According to the legislation in force, employers who offer health insurance as benefits to their employees can deduct up to 250 euros per year from their profit tax, and any difference beyond that level is booked by the company as non-deductible expense. This is, according to the companies in the field, the main obstacle that prevents health insurance from developing. Private health insurance would create competition among hospitals for money, a competition that would improve both the quality of services and the level of equipment.

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