ZF English

Hollywood offers to sell us Dracula's image

24.08.2001, 00:00 7

The Tourism Ministry might negotiate with the famous Universal Studios the purchase of Count Dracula's image as depicted in the movies produced by the Hollywood-based studios, according to a release of the ministry sent to Ziarul Financiar on Wednesday.

The American company shows "willing to start talks about ceding intellectual property rights over Dracula character," as seen in the following movies: "Dracula" (1933), "Dracula's Daughter" (1936), "Son of Dracula" (1943), all of them produced by Universal Studios.

Universal Studio's proposition is a result of the interest stirred in the international press by the Ministry's initiative to build a Dracula Land theme park by Sighisoara.

The letter including this proposition is signed by Michael E. Silver, Universal Studios Recreation Group's vice-president for business and legal affairs, who congratulates the Romanian institution for the idea of building such a park.

Under the circumstances, Tourism minister Dan Matei Agathon said, "it is most likely we will begin talks with Universal Studios to buy Count Dracula's image. I must add that the Tourism Ministry will comply with the copyright legislation in effect."

Dracula Land amusement park, a project entailing some 40 million euros in investments, will be located five kilometres away from Sighisoara City, with the construction scheduled to begin next year. Pre-feasibility studies forecast the park will bring about one million tourists a year, half of which from abroad.

Furthermore, the Tourism Ministry estimates Dracula Land activity to generate some 20 million euros in revenues every year.

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