ZF English

Imported car market approaches 3bn euros

Imported car market approaches 3bn euros
25.10.2007, 19:05 9

The market of imported vehicles is expected to exceed 3 billion euros within the next six weeks, if the 52% growth rate registered in the first nine months of the year, which brought sales to 146,311 units, is maintained. Sales registered in the first 9 months exceeded the volume of sales registered during the whole of last year by almost 10,000 units, and reached a value of over 2.5 billion euros, according to ZF estimates based on the average value of sales and sales on each segment. According to statistics from APIA (The Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association), sales of new vehicles reached 265,000 units in the January-September period, above the overall level of 2006, whilst APIA estimates will probably be exceeded by far. Brent Valmar, president of the Association, announced that the number of new cars sold in Romania this year would stand at 320,000 units, a figure which will be surpassed even if monthly sales drop from an average 30,000 units to below 20,000 units, a situation which only occurred in January, after widespread confusion concerning the introduction of the first registration tax. Since car imports are exceeding growth estimates every month, nothing is expected to overturn the Romanian car sector's surge, although the domestic sales of the Automobile Dacia manufacturer saw a slight decline, by around 8% (82,566 units) in the first three quarters of the year, while overall production and exports increased 5.9% and 37.6% respectively.

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