ZF English

Medcenter invests 8m euros in expansion

05.02.2009, 18:12 32

Medical services operator Medcenter will invest around 8 million euros this year, mainly in company expansion into five cities and in new equipment. "The investment plans will go ahead, we have already secured the necessary funding for the next two years in the last quarter of 2008. As for budgets, we have reviewed them, but this did not result in any major cost cuts," said Florin Balanica, general manager of Medcenter. The company ended 2008 with turnover worth around 11 million euros, up 33% against 2007. For this year, the company has budgeted a 13 million-euro turnover. "The main factor affecting this year's turnover is the unavoidable slowdown of economic growth, which will lead to a stagnation of the population's purchasing power. There is already some reluctance, both from potential clients and from potential market players, due to the instability of the economic environment," added Balanica.

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