ZF English

Mitsubishi counts on SUVs to boost sales

18.09.2007, 18:35 11

M Car Trading, the domestic importer of Mitsubishi vehicles, doubled its sales in August to 320 units, against the same time last year, with the Japanese brand's SUVs continuing to account for the highest volume of sales. "During the first eight months, the best-selling model was the new Outlander, which retailed over 580 units by late August, followed by L200 and the new Pajero. Over 65% of overall models sold are SUVs or off-road vehicles," stated Mihail Ivanescu, the general manager of M Car Trading. Mitsubishi sales on the domestic market are estimated to have reached 3,400 units this year, although M Car representatives say they could have reached 4,000 units if the Japanese manufacturer had been able to fill all the orders coming from Romania. "In 2008, we want to sell more than 5,000 units. We will set this level together with the Japanese party so as to be sure the desired number of units are delivered," added Ivanescu. At present, there are 19 Mitsubishi dealers on the domestic market, 4 of which were set up this year. The biggest one is M Car Distribution, which sells over 100 units every month.

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