ZF English

Mobilia partners with Selgros

29.03.2007, 19:03 18

The Bucharest-based company Mobilia, held by Romanian and Canadian shareholders, which announced investments worth 85 million euros in developing furniture shopping centres, has closed a partnership with the Selgros network, which will result in the development of at least 5 of the 17 malls, to be built within Selgros complexes. Representatives of Mobilia, a group held by Tamim Saheb and Razvan Paraschiv, announced that Tamilia Tex, a company held by Canadian-born Tamim Saheb, reached a principle agreement with Selgros on developing a furniture showroom in Selgros stores. Currently, Tamilia Tex already owns Mobilia Center showrooms in Selgros stores in Brasov, Iasi and Bucharest. According to Tamim Saheb, another five Mobilia Center furniture showrooms are to be set up in Selgros stores within the next few years. "Selgros has guaranteed us that we will handle the setting up of showrooms within commercial complexes. We want to open two showrooms this year and a further three locations next year."

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