ZF English

Nokia investment to create 15,000 jobs

29.03.2007, 19:02 9

The County Employment Agency in Cluj (AJOFM) has announced it will start a recruitment campaign for Nokia next year. AJOFM officials estimate Nokia's investment in Cluj will create a boom on the Cluj recruitment market, resulting in the employment of around 15,000 people. "Nokia's investment will be a challenge for us, because over ten thousand new jobs will be created over a five-year period," the executive manager of the Cluj-based County Employment Agency, Daniel Don told ZF Transilvania. After the Easter Holidays, Cluj-based AJOFM will conduct an informative campaign on the jobs that will be available in the next few years. "One of the problems is that young people are uninformed, with schools not explaining to them the employment opportunities they have," explained Don. AJOFM's manager compared Nokia's investment with the one made by Alcatel in Timisoara, where the jobs created and the salaries offered put Timisoara on the second position of the ranking of net revenues per capita in the country.

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