ZF English

Nordex to export cheese products to the Balkans

31.07.2007, 18:43 12

Nordex Food, one of the main Danish exporters of dairy products, in August is preparing to start manufacturing cheese products in its Campulung plant, which was acquired from the domestic producer Lactag. "We've invested several million euros in the plant in Campulung, with investments being largely used for the renovation of the plant and the installation of new production equipment. We plan to sell several tonnes of products on the Romanian market and in the Balkan region this year," stated Keld Pedersen, general manager of Nordex Food Denmark. The plant of Campulung has a production capacity of 400 tonnes of Romanian pressed cheese and an area of 3,500 square metres and was acquired by the Danish company to strengthen NordexFood's position in Eastern Europe. The plant will be officially opened in August, with around 20 employees and will specialise in the production of white cheese products. Products manufactured in Campulung will be primarily be sold under the Akadia brand name. Products will be distributed both in traditional and network store chains through the Macromex distribution firm.

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