ZF English

Number of foreign investors on the Stock Exchange up 25% in 2008

26.01.2009, 16:34 9

The number of non-resident investors owning shares in Romanian companies rose by 25% in 2008, from 4,000 to more than 5,000, according to statistical data published by the Central Depositary. The weight of foreigners' stakes in the total value of shares registered with the Central Depositary in late 2008 stood at 40%, down from the end of 2007, when it amounted to 45%. Also, the total value of shares registered with the Central Depositary sank, from 115.63bn RON (32bn euros) at the end of 2007, to 56.61bn RON (14.15bn euros) in late 2008. According to statistical data, most foreign investors come from Germany, over 1,000, followed by the US, with almost 600, and Greece, with 550. In terms of weight, the biggest ones are the Austrian investors, owning around 12.4% in the value of Romanian companies registered with the Central Depositary, followed by the French ones, with 6%, and the Netherlands and Switzerland, each with 4.3%.

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