ZF English

PKN wants to team up with MOL

05.09.2003, 00:00 8

Polish PKN Orlen may enter the race for SNP Petrom's privatisation by submitting an offer together with Hungary's MOL, Warsaw Business Journal reports, quoting the online financial publication Puls Biznesu. "PKN Orlen plans to take part in the privatisation of oil group Petrom and will probably do so through a partnership concluded with Hungarian MOL Group," sources close to the Polish company were quoted as saying by Puls Biznesu. The plan of PKN Orlen, Poland's largest oil company, is part of a broader project by which it is trying to create a Central European oil group wherein it should be a key component. MOL has, after all, confirmed interest in Petrom's privatisation, announcing it will buy the job specifications book. ZF


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