ZF English

Plastic pipes market worth 150m euros

24.03.2008, 19:19 14

The development of water and gas pipe networks, as well as the development of infrastructure networks, will bring the PVC polyethylene (PE) pipes market to around 150 million euros, up 10-15% on last year, according to Business Consult, which will appear on March 27, with ZIARUL FINANCIAR.
Sales of PVC pipes will amount to around 40,000 tonnes this year, while PE sales will stand at 50,000 tonnes, according to data supplied by players on the market. The growth rate could be further boosted in the coming years due to the Operational Sectoral Programme (SOP) for the Environment, which entails investments worth 4.5 billion euros.
"We are operating on a market which is attractive for investments, given the housing deficit on the local market, and the operational programmes. Currently, we are working at full speed, with three shifts, 7 days a week, in order to meet the market demand," said Emanoil Viciu, general manager and president of Teraplast's Board of Directors, one of the leading players on the PVC pipes market.
In terms of value, the PVC pipes market will reach 60 million euros, while PE pipe sales will revolve around 85-90 million euros. "Sales of PVC pipes and of PE pipes will rise by at least 10-12% by 2010, while imports will remain at around 10% of the market," say Rehau representatives.
In Romania, the company owns a plant in Sibiu, four warehouses structured into three sales offices (in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Bacau), as well as a logistics centre that was set up last year.
Whereas PVC pipes sales depend on infrastructure and real estate projects, the demand for PE pipes is directly influenced by the modernisation and expansion of gas and water networks.

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