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Plus to keep up expansion rate at 20-25 stores per year

Plus to keep up expansion rate at 20-25 stores per year
18.11.2008, 19:28 30

Plus discount store network, which has also entered cities with less than 15,000 inhabitants this year, is keeping Bucharest on its expansion list owing to the solid customer flow; almost three or four times higher than the average of small localities. "In Bucharest, we see a potential for 18-24 Plus stores, but the expansion pace is hurt by the international crisis through delayed openings. So far, there's been no question of dropping certain projects because of real estate developer problems. Should this be the case, we'll be able to take over these locations," says Norbert Missbrandt (photo), general manager of Plus Romania. The company will next week open the fourth store of the network in Bucharest and will reach a total number of 70 stores in Romania by the end of the year, after another four openings in other cities. Despite the high costs of purchasing land, Bucharest is still among the most important locations on Plus' expansion list. In large cities, Plus also aims for partnerships with shopping project developers, with Missbrandt specifying retail parks are more attractive than shopping centres. Missbrandt says top management changes will not bring any modifications to Plus' expansion strategy. Thus, in the next four years, the retailer could invest 30-38m euros a year to expand in new locations.


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