ZF English

"Package deals" gain ground in banks' offers

28.03.2007, 19:32 6

"Package deals" are becoming available in banks' offers more often, a method that allows for products and services, for which demand is still low, to be sold more effectively. In the past, banks had only used package deals in promoting certain products. However, package deals have now become more varied allowing for a loyal client base to be formed, as clients no longer have to resort to using several banks in order to meet their needs. With this in mind, banking products and service packages are beginning to receive heavier promotion, as retaining clients has become increasingly important amid tighter competition. When acquiring a package, clients can get better prices - some products and services are offered for preferential prices, while interests on deposits or credits can also be better than the standard offered. Packages usually comprise financing or saving products, which are complementary services. A package deal dedicated to payment and savings is usually made up of a term deposit (a current account), a life insurance product, a debit card, as well as various services - including mobile and Internet banking or ATM payment agreements, direct debit and standing orders.

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