ZF English

Renault builds an auto design centre in Bucharest

21.03.2007, 20:12 5

Representatives of the Renault group have stated that this year will see the opening of an auto design centre in Bucharest, at first dedicated to the design of future models that will be created on the Logan platform of production. In its first stage, the centre will hire seven designers. "At the moment, we are looking for an appropriate location for our new design centre, which is expected to have a surface area of around 1,000 square metres. We are considering both the option of buying a building or renting one," stated Patrick LeQuement, vice-president of Renault. By 2009, the centre's employees will increase to 30 people who will design for vehicle models. The personnel will be predominantly recruited from Romania. Renault Design Centre Europe will operate simultaneously with Renault Tehnologie Roumanie (RTR), the engineering centre that the car constructor wants to develop in Titu, near Bucharest. According to company representatives, the core of RTR, which will develop models for all markets on which the carmaker is present, has already been formed and is operating in the North Gate complex, on the Pipera platform.

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