ZF English

Romanians asking for fiscal receipts, set to get part of spent money back

25.07.2010, 23:12 8

Buyers of goods and services will receive part of spent moneyback from the state in exchange for fiscal receipts, in a movewhereby the Government will try to crack down on fiscal evasion, asprime minister Emil Boc announced. The Government will set anannual ceiling, a percentage of which will be returned toconsumers. "A move we're holding in view, at MPs' proposal, is toencourage people to ask for a fiscal receipt for the variousproducts they buy. What does this mean? That all those who willhave collected receipts, over or up to a certain ceiling, willbenefit from a premium of the respective sum, as an encouragementfor them to ask for a fiscal receipt for the various goods sold inRomania, from bread, to highly valuable goods, very expensivegoods, because, unfortunately, the fact that fiscal receipts arenot issued is also a form of fiscal evasion," said Boc. Taxconsultants consider such a move may be efficient, to the extent towhich areas with high fiscal evasion will be targeted.

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