ZF English

Royal hotel in Bucharest, a 7m-euro investment

18.04.2008, 20:35 7

Royal, a four-star hotel in the Unirii area of Bucharest, developed by two entrepreneurs from Tulcea, will become operational in around a month's time, following an investment worth 7 million euros. "The hotel will have 91 rooms, six suites and two conference rooms, seating 200 and 70 people respectively," said Tudor Stefan, one of the shareholders of Tulcea-based Baron Service, which manages both the hotel in Bucharest and the hotels in Tulcea and Constanta. The capital's Piata Unirii area is not very crowded in terms of the number of hotels, with another four-star hotel in the area being NH, which has 78 rooms. The four-star hotel market will, however, increase its capacity by over 50% this year, after the Rin Grand Hotel opens at full capacity, with around 1,500 rooms on offer.

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