ZF English

Several retailers, banks and a casino are still hiring despite the crisis

13.01.2009, 18:04 17

The discount hypermarket operator Kaufland Romania, part of the Schwarz German group, plans to hire 100 people to open a new store in Bucharest at the end of January.

"Since we're opening new stores, we have to hire people, too. We haven't been affected by the crisis yet, we are only affected to the extent that we have to import products priced in euros," explained Octavian Cojocaru, Kaufland's marketing manager.
Another retailer that is hiring is Carrefour, which plans to bring 1,800 new employees on board this year. "We are not feeling the crisis. We will hire another 1,800 people next year," said Andreea Mihai, the market manager of Carrefour in December last year. The retailer posted more than one billion-euro business in 2008.
On the other hand, even the banking sector, affected by the financial crisis especially in Western Europe, is still looking for people.
An ad posted on recruitment website bestjobs.ro shows that Banca Romaneasca, the local branch of the Greek group NBG, intends to hire ten people, both in Bucharest and in the rest of the country for various positions.
Casino chain Riviera Casino is seeking 300 people to open a casino in Bucharest in March. After the ads were run in newspapers and on the Internet, the company received approximately 100 CVs.
There are also companies hiring just to fill their vacancies.
For instance, Whiteland, the food distributor company with 430 employees at its import-export division and an 81.7 million-euro business in 2007 has three vacancies: two branch manager positions in Cluj and Bucharest and a sales supervisor position in Targu Mures.
The companies that are hiring now have access to more candidates, as a result of many people having become available on the market due to layoffs operated over the last few months.
"This is a very good time to hire because you can find better people who cannot get a job because of the economic crisis. Nobody is placing ads to hire now, everybody is making people redundant. This is why we chose to hire," explains Ion Hristea, general manager of Keolner Romania, a company with a 3.8 million-euro turnover in 2007, which represents Polish Keolner group, a construction supplies distributor.
The company intends to hire two regional sales representatives in Moldova and Southern Transilvania.
Most layoffs in recent months have been made by companies in the industrial, construction and automotive sectors.
On the other hand, recruiters are now finding it more difficult to persuade candidates that are not actively looking for work to change their job.
What matters for such people is to get a serious offer, as they will not leave their companies on any terms.


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