ZF English

Sortilemn: IKEA helps us preserve our turnover level

16.10.2008, 18:19 15

The furniture market has not been left untouched by the international financial crisis, with demand already declining on the European market. However, Sortilemn, the fifth largest player on the Romanian furniture market, says it will be able to post a similar turnover as last year, i.e. 36 million euros. Even though this amounts to stagnation, in the current context of a declining market, the estimate is an optimistic one. The main factor which has managed to stabilise the company's turnover progression is the contract it has with Swedish furniture retailer IKEA, to which Sortilemn delivers around 70% of its annual production. "Amid a decline of the European furniture market, our company's turnover will stagnate this year, at the 2007 level. Our collaboration with IKEA is an advantage for us, against the background of a declining furniture market (...)," said Michael Brandhuber, Sortilemn's general manager.


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