ZF English

Swedish-based Plannja to build metal roof tile plant in Romania

28.09.2007, 19:19 19

Plantar Distribution Romania, based in Pieta Nealt, the Romanian branch of the Swedish group Plantar, is interested in building a metal roof tile plant in Romania, after having operated only through its sales division on this market for ten years. "Ever since we came to Romania 10 years ago, my plan was to open a production facility here, and we are well on our way with this plan," said Nicola Bodacious, general manager of Plantar Constructii, who lived in Sweden for around 20 years. The company is currently conducting a market study to calculate the profitability of a Romanian production facility. The results will be discussed next week in a meeting with the heads of the Swedish group. The last few years have seen investments in the production of metal covers intensify, given the high demand for such materials on the constructions market. Companies such as Ruukki (Finland), Lindab (Sweden), Coilprofil (Belgium), Megaprofit (Belgium) and Rova (Slovakia) have invested, or have investments underway, worth overall a few hundred million euros in new production facilities on the Romanian market.

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