ZF English

Tender's construction division sees 20% growth

28.10.2008, 17:53 11

Road Maintenance and Repair Company in Timisoara (SIRD), part of the Tender group, forecasts a 20% turnover increase for this year, to 105 million RON (31.6 million euros), due to the high number of ongoing road infrastructure rehabilitation contracts. The value of works contracted for 2009 has already exceeded 100 million RON, according to company data. "Within the next five years, we plan to become one of the leading constructors nationwide. For this purpose, we will invest over 15 million euros in the next two years in developing the business," says Adris Constantin, general manager of SIRD, which mainly operates in the Banat area (Western Romania). The investments will mainly be directed at modernising and expanding the vehicle fleet by 25-30 trucks, and at acquiring asphalt, stone quarry and gravel pit equipment.


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