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The top 100 leading law firms in Bucharest

27.04.2009, 17:10 36

Business lawyers know the secrets of the privatisations of Petrom, BCR and Romtelecom, of the biggest transactions, such as those involving Rompetrol and Asiban, and can make over one million euros per year - reads the "Law Firms Yearbook" launched on the market today by Ziarul Financiar.
The yearbook comprises information about the biggest 100 law firms by the number of lawyers registered with the Bucharest Bar Association at the end of March this year.
Ziarul Financiar has learnt what contracts these lawyers have been involved in, how these firms have been set up, what the managing partners' CVs say, as well as how much money these firms have collected from fees over the last three years. Here are the conclusions, after inquiring the firms:
Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii is the firm with the highest revenues in 2008 - 18.5 million euros and with the best productivity - 256,000 euros per lawyer.
NNDKP has the most lawyers in the Bucharest Bar Association - 87.
Popovici Nitu & Asociatii was involved in the most transactions in 2008 - 17. Stoica & Asociatii posted the biggest profit per partner - 1.6 million euros.
The youngest partner works at Pachiu & Asociatii and is 27 year-old - Delia Iuliana Vasiliu.
The youngest teams of lawyers are in RTPR, which is in association with Allen & Overy, PeliFilip and bpv Grigorescu - 28 years old on the average.

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