ZF English

Torrent Pharma targets acquisition in Romania

28.09.2007, 19:15 37

Indian pharmaceutical company Torrent Pharma is negotiating a potential takeover with a generic drugs manufacturer in Romania, which follows the company's global expansion strategy, according to the Indian daily Financial Express. The company is poised to take an important step on the global market of generics (i.e. copies of original drugs). Torrent Pharma's general manager, Samir Mehta, recently took a trip to Romania, as did a series of private investment funds, to discuss the transaction, according to sources quoted in the Indian publication. When asked about the value of the transaction and the targeted company, a spokesperson for Torrent Pharma was unable to comment. However, he did say the Indian manufacturer wants to acquire companies with a portfolio that matches its own current therapeutic profile. "The value is important, however what is more important is that the acquisition is a strategic one for the company," said the spokesperson, adding that Torrent is examining several companies in emerging states.

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