ZF English

Two entrepreneurs in Craiova to take on ice cream giants

24.06.2009, 17:18 14

The entry of Unilever's Algida division on the Romanian ice cream market at the beginning of this year, has already been followed by defensive action from Romanian entrepreneurs, whose sales are threatened by the aggressive strategy to promote the new player. Petre Popa and Robert Iriza, owners of Top Gel in Craiova, with 20 million euros in turnover and a 15-17% share of the ice cream market, last month started a project aimed at developing the plant they hold in Carcea commune (Dolj county), for which they have received almost 2 million euros in structural funds. The plant was opened in 2007, following 10 million euros in overall investments, and can produce 100 tonnes of ice cream daily. The project intends to boost work productivity and the company's market share, according to data available on the official website dedicated to structural funds. At present, sales of companies held by Romanian investors account for 70-75% of the ice cream market, with none of the companies standing out as a leader. This year, Unilever brought the Algida division onto the market, but also took over a local brand, Napoca, with sales put at 7-8 million euros. "The market trend over the next few years, which will also be influenced by Unilever's presence, will be a rise in terms of value; there will also be consolidation on the market, in the wake of potential new mergers and acquisitions," says Adriean Asan, general manager of Top Gel.

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