ZF English

Window system producer Casa Noastra expects 25% growth in 2009

18.11.2008, 19:27 21

Producer of windows and doors PVC systems Casa Noastra in Craiova, held by businessmen Stefan Cherciu and Cosmin Ionescu, forecasts an around 25% turnover increase in 2009, to about 36 million euros, despite the consumption decline on this market segment. Casa Noastra representatives expect to increase their market share, even if window sales will go down, because some of the manufacturers that are not in acting in compliance with EU norms will disappear. The current crisis, combined with the effects of new EU regulations on PVC window and door production, which will be enforced in February next year, will have a major impact on small and medium size companies in this sector. However, this is an opportunity for big producers, which will be able to consolidate their market position and even boost their market share under the circumstances," said Cosmin Ionescu, vice-president of Casa Noastra. The company estimates an around 107 million-euro (29.5 million-euro) turnover for this year, slightly lower than the original budget, of 110 million RON.


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