ZF English

Jolidon: We plan to enter Asian and Northern markets

22.09.2006, 19:12 13

Jolidon Romania, one of the leading domestic producers of underwear posted over 10.5 million-euro turnover in the first six months, an increase of 8.5% compared with the same time last year.
The company estimates turnover to amount to 26-30 million euros this year, against 20 million euros last year, as a result of its investment plans being carried out.
Jolidon's growth strategy for the upcoming period targets the development of its own retail network, by opening 25 outlets by the end of the year, on one hand, and the Jolidon brand's development on Asian and Northern markets, on the other.
"The Chinese, and German and Northern markets have a high potential for us and we want to make our presence noticed on these markets by attending the trade shows in D?sseldorf and Shanghai. For the following period we also intend to open a new representative office in Germany, so as to meet the entire demand from the Northern region," Jolidon representatives told ZF Transilvania.
The Germany-based subsidiary is part of Jolidon group, next to Jolidon France, Jolidon Hungary and Jolidon Italy.
Jolidon representatives said in the first six months of the year, Jolidon Sarl. France witnessed the most important growth of the group, with sales having increased by 93.2%, compared with the same period last year.
They say this increase is significant for the company's development, considering France is the core of the market on which it operates.
"All the markets we operate on have their specific profile, thus we consider that by opening an outlet in the area where we intend to deliver Jolidon products, we will have a better insight of the clients' needs in the region. There are regions where we entered the market through local partnerships, such as the Russian market, also very important for us," said the company's officials.
Jolidon last week launched a new brand, Prelude, on the European market during the International Lingerie Show from Lyon, where 480 underwear and 450 swimwear brands were presented.
Jolidon officials say an estimation of Romanian underwear market is difficult, especially given the serious problems regarding the black market of fake products it is facing.
"This is a problem all the companies that have their own brands and collections are dealing with and stopping this phenomenon is, if not impossible, at least hard to do. However, even though there are no official statistics, according to our own estimates, we cover approximately 60% of the Romanian underwear market", stated Jolidon officials.
They added that the sales increase on the domestic market derives mainly from product portfolio development, and secondly from territorial expansion.

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