Afaceri de la zero

Alternative horizons at the Theatre Festival in Sibiu

26.05.2000, 00:00 Autor: Aristita Albacan

Starting today, Sibiu will host the seventh edition of the International Theatre Festival. Each year, the Sibiu festival has a different theme. The festival's purpose is to reintegrate and bring back to life an area that used to be a key element in Romanian culture. Last years' themes were tolerance, violence, cultural identity, links and creativity. This year's festival has as motto: "The alternative to culture is culture" and the alternative that it proposes is researched at all levels of the manifestation: "Great Shows," "The Meeting of Theatre Schools of the World," "Theatre in Non-conventional spaces and in the City," "Experimental Theatre," "Radio Theatre," "Dance," "International Workshops" and "the Off Section." The noble initiative tries to trace cultural landmarks of this millenium's end. The festival was organised by the "Democratie prin Cultura" Foundation, The Students' Culture Club Sibiu, The "Radu Stanca" Theatre in Sibiu, the Sibiu County Council and the "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu, in collaboration with various partners in the country and abroad. This year, the festival will enjoy the company of the Show Market, the EurAAm Bourse Network Congress, the East-West Meeting of Festival Directors and Producers and the Show Art Publications Meeting. At the first edition of the festival, there were participants from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. This edition is attended by theatre persons from over 50 countries, a clear sign that between 26 May - 8 June there will be many intercultural exchanges. Tonight, after the official opening, the premiere of Hamlet directed by Liviu Ciulei will follow. The Bulandra Theatre made the show. Among the prestigious participants we mention: Teatre de l'Ull and Academia Casa Hamlet in Spin, The Sondaki Company from Canada, Blue Ridge Theatre from the USA, Hipolloi Theatre in England, Lensoviet Theatre in Russia, The Masrah El Tedj in Algiers, Deja Donne Production in the Czech Republic, Karine Ponties in Belgium, Theatre Company 1980 in Japan and Evgenui Panfilov's Ballet din Russia.

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