ZF English

How companies came to fight over European funds

Autor: Adriana Rosoga

08.09.2010, 00:12 9

Almost 700 companies have come up with strategies to get EUmoney and sought methods to apply faster on the day when theprocedure for online registration of projects kicked off, showingthat in certain sectors for which EU funds are available, companieshave projects that can absorb more money than was allocated by theEU until 2013.

"We worked through the weekend to put together the necessarydocumentation we posted on Saturday. Fourteen employees worked onregistration of the projects simultaneously. We had the forms readyin advance, and when registration kicked off, we just pressed theregistration button," explains Deszo Peter, general manager ofGoodwill Consulting, which registered a total of 41 projects wortharound 2 million euros with the Sectorial Operational ProgrammeIncrease of Economic Competitiveness, "Investment projects of up to1,075,000 RON." The call for projects was launched on Monday at 9o'clock and was suspended after 80 minutes because the amountapplied for twice exceeded the allocated budget of 300 million RON(73 million euros).

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