ZF English

Deputies postpone debate on Ordinance 50 again, this time for lack of quorum

Autor: Liviu Chiru, Alexandra Chelu, Mediafax

27.10.2010, 00:15 13

The debate over Ordinance 50/2010, which introduces atransparent method of calculating loan interest rates and limitsthe early repayment fee, which featured on Tuesday's agenda of theBudget and Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, wassuspended for lack of quorum.

Two weeks ago deputies had postponed talks in order to allowenough time for amendments to be submitted, amid strong interestboth from customer associations, and from bankers. At stake is themethod of establishing the interest rate on ongoing loans withvarying instalments. Customers ask for the interest rate to becalculated based on an independent indicator (Robor or Euribor),with the margin provided for in the contract to be kept, althoughoriginally the interest rate was calculated based on an internalindicator, which would lead to significant cost cuts. The NBR(National Bank of Romania has calculated that bankers could lose upto 600 million euros this year.

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