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Hewlett-Packard Romania to hire 750 people

Hewlett-Packard Romania to hire 750 people
30.04.2008, 18:09 11

Hewlett-Packard Romania (HP), the local division of the largest producer of PCs and printers worldwide, will hire around 750 people over the coming eight months, the majority of whom will work at the service centre in Bucharest. "Currently, we have around 1,500 employees in Bucharest, and their number could see a 50% increase by the end of the year," says Ecaterina Ion (photo), the human resources manager at HP Romania. Therefore, the company could reach around 2,250 employees by the end of this year. Ion adds that the number of employees could, in fact, exceed estimates, given her experience of the past few years. "Last year, we hired over 50% more people than in 2006," explains Ion. This year's recruitments are aimed to recruit staff for entry-level jobs and specialist positions. Currently, the company is conducting a recruitment campaign to fill 100 jobs on the service and sales segments. Service and support centres are among the most active employers in Bucharest, and have hundreds and even thousands of recruitments planned for this year. Specialists in various sectors (IT, financial, legal) who speak foreign languages are among the most sought after by such employees. On the other hand, the IT&C industry is a sector that suffers from a lack of personnel, with several software developers conducting massive recruitment campaigns at present. Oracle Romania, the local subsidiary of the largest enterprise software company in the world, will hire 500 people for its service and support centres in Bucharest, whilst software solutions developer Siveco wants to hire 200 people, and the CEO of IBM Romania has recently said recruitment will continue, despite the problems experienced by the labour market.

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