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Historical centre road works causing restaurants major losses

Historical centre road works causing restaurants major losses
10.07.2007, 19:31 13

Works conducted in Bucharest's historic centre have prompted losses of 50-90% for restaurants, bars and clubs in the Lipscani area. The lack of clients, who are not prepared to traverse the road construction site in order to get to the restaurant of their choice, has led to several restaurants closing down. "Whereas on a regular day, our revenues stand at 5,000 RON, we have now seen our revenues drop to 200 RON, which accounts mainly for orders from nearby hotels. We have seen a 95% decline in sales. The place is empty at weekends. Our water, electricity and gas supplies are temporarily cut off without notification, and this has been going on for around 4 months now," says Claudiu Luncan, manager of the Charme restaurant, on Smardan street, one of the areas most affected by the works in Bucharest historic centre. According to Luncan, receiving supplies for the restaurant has become almost impossible and has to be done by carrying goods in bags or even on the people's backs. "Our revenues have fallen 50% since the road works started in the Lipscani area. We have no clients before 6.00pm, and it looks like things will stay this way until winter. We won't close the coffee shop, but it is proving very difficult for us, because cars cannot come into the area, and we have to carry our goods on a trolley. I think the City Hall should adopt a different solution," said Vlad Cernahovschi, majority shareholder in the Arcade Cafe, also located in the Lipscani area. Also, Amsterdam Grand Cafe, one of the first restaurants that opened in this area, will close down for at least a year.

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