ZF English

2011 comes with severe cuts for most ministries

30.11.2010, 00:01 6

The draft 2011 budget, whose main challenge is to cut spendingby 2.2% of GDP, considering that the budget deficit agreed with theIMF for next year needs to be cut to 4.4% of GDP - is ready, butthe date when it will be sent to Parliament for approval is yetunknown. The Government has about three weeks to see the draftbudget through Parliament, considering that members of theLegislative arm are to go on holiday before the winter holidays.Next year will see more money go to the Labour, Environment,Agriculture, and Transportation Ministries, while fund cuts affectother ministries. The Health Ministry loses money compared with thepreliminary 2010 execution, but the minister says the amountallocated is in fact 8% higher than the original 2010 allocation(the additional amounts were set aside this year for the payment ofarrears).

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