ZF English

Adobe: Sales up 100% in the first quarter

16.07.2007, 18:42 5

Sales of Adobe products on the domestic market doubled in the first quarter of this year, with the growth trend expected to continue into the coming period, as Romanians' living standards improve, according to Alexandru Costin, general manager of Adobe Romania. "Adobe sales on the domestic market exceeded 100% in the first quarter of this year compared with the first quarter of last year. The best selling Adobe product on the domestic market is Photoshop, accounting for around 40% of sales, followed by Acrobat, Illustrator and Dreamweaver," Costin told ZF. He did not wish to provide any details on the value of sales or on the number of units sold. "Anyway, it is our distributors, I.R.I.S. and Romsym, who have the sales figures," he added. Adobe applications are used mainly for document management and by artists and publishers for image processing and layout. The head of Adobe Romania thinks the company's sales will continue to grow in the coming period, as well.

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