ZF English

Alstom is top service provider

15.12.2004, 00:00 9

French engineering group Alstom is the leader of the power station service market in the Central and Eastern Europe, including in Romania, according to an analysis by the American consulting firm Frost & Sullivan. Alstom accounts for 29.3% of service sector for electric power stations in Romania, ahead of General Electric, which reached 23.2% in 2003. The services provided are maintenance, supply of equipment and rehabilitation works. The French engineering and energy equipment giant dominates the regional market, which is estimated at 380 million euros ($494.3 million), and its market share has reached 19.8%. Alstom is the number one provider in five different emerging markets: Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the former Yugoslavia. It is also a top company in other markets in the region. Alstom Power Romania, the main local company of the French group, has in recent years positioned itself as one of the most important suppliers to Termoelectrica SA, the former state-owned energy company. ZF


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