ZF English

Auchan to recruit 500 people for Militari hypermarket

27.08.2008, 19:09 7

Auchan, the French company that operates the largest hypermarkets on the local market, will hire around 800 people for two openings this year. The opening of its second store in Bucharest, located in the Militari district, will entail the creation of 500 jobs. By the end of the year, the company will have 3,500 employees in all and 7 operational stores, with two openings planned in Bucharest and Suceava, in the fourth quarter of 2008. The investments into the two hypermarkets are estimated at 40-50 million euros, and require the creation of around 800 jobs. Among the difficulties encountered on the labour market, Auchan representatives count the shortage of experts in jobs that require qualifications and the low retention for entry-level jobs.

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