ZF English

AVAS in search of new buyers for Tractorul

01.10.2004, 00:00 5

The State Assets Resolution Authority (AVAS) is looking for new buyers for the Tractorul Brasov plant a year after the privatisation contract was signed with Italy's Landini Company but in which time the ownership transfer was not completed. "At the moment I am testing the market in search of alternative buyers. I do not consider this as an attack on Landini, as long as the buyer does not show up to perform the ownership transfer," said AVAS chairman, Mircea Ursache, on Wednesday. He made these statements in discussions between AVAS officials and Senators and members of the Cabinet, as part of the Budget-Finance Committee of the Senate, concerning the Landini Law (which waives certain financial obligations to the state budget on the part of the Tractorul plant). Ursache was unwilling to specify the names of possible future investors in Tractorul. "We've had very many offers for Tractorul over the course of time, but I cannot name the bidders now," Ursache said. ZF


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