ZF English

Banc Post net profit, up to 9.7m euros

20.11.2003, 00:00 12

Banc Post registered 448.4bn ROL (some 11.5m euros) in ten-month gross profit, namely 375.4bn ROL (9.7m euros) in net profit. The bank's revenues amounted to 3,628bn ROL on October 31, while equity was worth 2,553.9bn ROL. Banc Post managed total assets of 22,355.5bn ROL at the end of the quoted interval. The bank had reported net profit worth 220bn ROL last year, the equivalent of 6.3m euros. By the end of October, the credit portfolio totalled 9,400bn ROL, out of which 55% represented the loans to SMEs, 20% - consumer credits, while the rest accounted for credits granted to large companies. ZF


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