ZF English

Benvenuti: retail up, distribution down

03.06.2008, 21:15 8

The Benvenuti-Equipe group, created by Dan Pavel in 2004, one of the founders of Leonardo, forecasts a 14.5 million-euro (50 million-RON) turnover, up 15% against last year. A sum of 11.7 million euros (41 million RON) of this year's turnover will be derived by the retail division (Benvenuti), with the remainder being fetched by Equipe, the distribution division. Benvenuti is expected to see an over 35% revenue increase this year compared with 2007, while the distribution company will report a 20% decline in revenues. "Benvenuti's increase in turnover will mainly have to do with the opening of new retail stores, in line with our development plans. The decline we forecast for Equipe is mainly caused by the downward trend experienced by small retailers, which make up the majority of the distributor's clients," Adrian Certezeanu, Benvenuti's manager, told ZF.

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