ZF English

Brussels tests adherence to reform 'shortlist'

17.06.2004, 00:00 11

The high level of arrears, which show no visible sign of going down, is still the main unsolved problem on the list of no less than 39 pledges the Romanian government made in February. These promises were offered to give Romania a chance of being granted the functional market economy status this year and to close EU integration negotiations.

Premier Adrian Nastase, joined by several ministers with responsibilities connected to Romania's EU accession efforts, is leaving today for Brussels to report the government's achievements since February when it presented a 'shortlist' of measures, with a deadline in late June.

Vasile Puscas, chief negotiator with the EU, stated that most pledges had been kept. He believes Romania deserves the functional market economy status.

The list includes measures such as the privatisation of Electrica Banat and Electrica Dobrogea; the introduction of a functional system related to VAT reimbursement; the endorsement of the bankruptcy law; the reduction of arrears; a functional Competition Council; the creation of a regulatory framework regarding the limitation of state aid; and the introduction of anti-corruption measures within the administration. In February, the government also promised to launch a phone line for corruption complaints, as it indeed has.

Within the legislative domain, a three-law package for ensuring justice and a similar package of laws related to child protection have to be finalised, while stipulations limiting the freedom of the mass media have to be removed.


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