ZF English

Car accident victims get tens of million RON from insurers for bodily injuries

Autor: Ciprian Botea

06.02.2011, 22:19 8

Claims settled by insurers for bodily injuries suffered in thewake of car accidents rose, as a weight in total indemnities paidfor civil liability car insurance (RCA), around three times in 2010year-on-year, in line with calculations based on data and estimatesby the National Union of Insurers and Reinsurers in Romania(UNSAR).
"Non-pecuniary claims last year accounted for around 6-7% in totalclaims settled on the RCA segment and there is an upward tendency,"says Cristian Constantinescu, UNSAR chairman.
In the first nine months of the year, insurers settled damagesworth 1.22bn RON (290m euros) on the RCA segment, in line with thelatest data published by the Insurance Supervision Commission.Thus, non-pecuniary damages would revolve around 20m euros. Shouldthe pace maintain, the total amount of non-pecuniary claims for2010 is likely to go toward 25m euros.
There is no information on the volume of damages for bodilyinjuries caused by car accidents paid by all insurers, but UNSARfigures largely reflect the real situation at the level of theentire market.

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