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Deloitte expects M&A market to start growing next year

Autor: Ioana David

31.10.2010, 22:30 6

Hein van Dam, Deloitte's partner in charge financial advisoryBalkan Region, believes the M&A market will start growing nextyear because the deals consultants are working on now will come tobe completed.

"The M&A market is still at a turning point, after havingimproved in the last quarter, but I expect it to start growingagain next year. In Romania, M&A activity has been influencedby foreign direct investments. Global macroeconomic weaknesses haveclearly influenced traditional investors in Romania, so thatM&A activity has slowed down during al these years," Hein vanDam told ZF in an interview.
According to a recent ZF survey, the M&A market has shown somesigns of a revival in recent months, with ten deals totally worthabove 140m euros having been signed, three of which in just oneday, the first time since the onset of the crisis when so manydeals have been sealed in such a short period of time.
Lately, one of the dynamic fields in terms of M&A activity hasbeen that of private healthcare services. Energy has also been alively field.

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