ZF English

GeCAD NET's first major contract done

02.08.2004, 00:00 14

GeCAD NET, GeCAD Group's division specialising in IT security services has implemented at Connex a Trend Micro application suite that protects against virus and unsolicited e-mail messages (spam). This protection will extend to a total of more than 400,000 users, including Xnet clients, Connex' clients for Internet services and the mobile telephony operator's employees. The value of the contract was not revealed. The running of the contract was supervised by the chief executive officer of the antivirus solutions producer Trend Micro, Steve Chang, himself. This is the first major contract finalised by GeCAD NET after GeCAD's operations reorganisation process. The reorganisation was done about a year from the sale of the RAV antivirus technology to Microsoft. After all, the deal with Connex was easier to carry out because the mobile telephony operator had been using RAV Antivirus to protect the e-mail accounts. ZF


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