ZF English

Investment fund RC2 takes over 33% in Romar clinics

17.07.2007, 19:46 13

Investment fund Reconstruction Capital 2 (RC2) has taken over a 33% stake in the medical services group Romar for 3 million euros. Before the transaction, the businessman Erghin Hagicalil held 99% of Romar's shares. "The business was finalised in June 2007, with the structure of the transaction entailing a capital increase," said Liliana Hagicalil, medical general manager of Romar. The Romar group of firms, which includes several entities involved in the field of private medical services, was appraised at approximately 9 million euros by the audit and consulting firm Deloitte, according to information previously provided by company representatives. The Romar group closed 2006 with a turnover worth 9.53 million euros, alongside a 0.96 million-euro profit, according to information supplied by Romar representatives. Liliana Hagicalil also specified that Romar intended to take out bank credits in order to sustain its investments. "We are in the process of opening offices in eight big cities in the country, a project, which we estimate will be completed in the autumn of this year," added Liliana Hagicalil.

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