ZF English

McCann Erickson: creativity of almost 70m euros

02.11.2007, 22:36 21

The international awards McCann Erickson Romania has won in the past two years have also contributed to turnover growth, with Bogdan Enoiu, manager of the agency, putting this year's turnover at almost 70m euros, up 15% against last year.
For the second time in a row, McCann Erickson in mid October won the Agency of the Year title at the Golden Drum advertising festival in Slovenia. "Since then, the number of customers has increased. The new ones are Caroli, BRD and Sensiblu and we've managed to keep the Vodafone account, too. Moreover, this year we've participated in several pitches and we also boasted the biggest win rate," stated Adrian Botan, CEE Creative Director at McCann Erickson.
After in 2006 McCann Erickson group of Romania (including BV McCann Erickson, McCann Universal, Brand Tailors, Momentum, MRM Partners and McCann PR) reached 60m euros in turnover, Enoiu expects the group to hit turnover worth around 69m euros this year.
The Romanian subsidiary of McCann is among the top five in the region in terms of turnover and creativity and among the top ten in the world in terms of creation.
Enoiu says that as market trends are changing constantly, an advertising agency has to reinvent itself every 3-5 years. "McCann Erickson reinvented itself 3 years ago and the outcome is visible: we won the agency of the year title in Portoroz, but we want to win the title for the third year and we will switch to something else then".
For 2008, McCann officials forecast turnover growth by around 15-20%. "We want to maintain this growth pace. Less is dangerous, more is also dangerous and this is why we want to grow step by step. We will further develop on the segment of alternative channels, we will set up another unit in charge with the digital channel," says Enoiu.
According to his estimates, the value of the domestic advertising market will revolve around 600-650m euros this year.
According to the data published on the Finance Ministry website, McCann was a market leader in 2006, being followed by Ogilvy Group and Leo Burnett Romania. Meanwhile, direct competition has changed. "We've always been the leader the others competed with," believes Enoiu.
This year, McCann Erickson registered 55 works in the Portoroz competition, the highest number of works among the 342 registered by Romanian agencies. Contest entry registration cost around 15,000 euros, but for McCann "this is not an expense, but an investment in our brand". Besides McCann Erickson, another 9 domestic agencies were among the winners.
In recent years, the agency has focused on participating in international festivals. "(...) If we want to be competitive at a European level and the best in Romania, we have to be competitive internationally," considers Botan.

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