ZF English

Nestle doubles budget for Maggi promotion

21.03.2006, 00:00 7

After increasing its sales of spices by over 40% last year with a remarkable ad campaign to promote the Maggi brand, food producer Nestle Romania is allocating a double budget for a similar move this year. Until mid May, the company will give prizes to consumers who have a Maggi poster glued to their windows. A similar campaign conducted last year, upped company sales for this sector of the market by over 40%, according to Nestle officials. During the campaign, an increase of 140% against the same period of the previous year was recorded. A recent report released by Nestle Romania shows that company turnover amounted to some 80 million euros last year, 25% more than the previous year. The budget allocated by the company for prizes this year reaches a gross value of 214,200 euros. On the market of food seasonings, estimated at over 15 million euros, Nestle''s biggest competitor is Unilever, with the Knorr Delikat brand. ZF

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