ZF English

New NBR rules for major bank clients

04.08.2004, 00:00 6

The new National Bank of Romania (NBR) regulations are due to come into force on October 1, which settle such issues as the "high exposure" of credit institutions to one debtor or group of entities that may be regarded as "one debtor." The cumulated high exposure (granted credits and guarantees) of a specific credit institution to major debtors must thus not exceed 800% of the bank's own funds. The exposure of a credit institution to "one debtor" is considered high when it equals or exceeds 10% of the institution's own funds. No credit institution may expose itself to "one debtor" at a level of more than 25% of its own funds. The exposure of a credit institution to a group of entities (people or companies) in special relations is considered high if it exceeds 10% of the institution's own funds. A group of entities in special relations is any group that meets one of the following conditions: is part of the credit institution group, represents "one debtor" over which the credit institution exerts a significant influence (partakes in making financial policy or decisions concerning economic operations, but does not hold the reigns) or which may exert a significant influence over the institution. ZF


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