ZF English

Prices of industrial output up 1.16% in April

06.06.2007, 19:35 5

The prices of industrial products saw a 1.16% increase in April against the previous month, and an 8.68% growth rate over the last 12 months, the National Statistics Institute (INS) announced yesterday. In April, in terms of sectors of activity, the prices of products in the extracting industry saw an 8.25% increase. Those in other sectors such as the processing industry and the electrical and thermal energy, gas and water industry, saw a 0.34% increase and 1.96% increase respectively, reads a release by the INS. As for big industrial product categories, price increases exceeding the overall average were witnessed by products in the energy sector (plus 2.81%), while below average increases were registered for products in the industry of capital goods (plus 1.01%), the industry of fast moving consumer goods (plus 0.52%), the industry of durable goods (plus 0.37%) and the industry of intermediate goods (plus 0.18%).

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