ZF English

Transavia, 50m-euro business plan

08.05.2006, 00:00 5

Chicken producer Transavia Alba Iulia, owned by businessman Ioan Popa, estimates a turnover worth 50 million euros for this year, an approximately 20-25 percent increase against last year.

"This year, we are counting on expanding our production. In terms of profit, if prices follow last year''s trend, we will reach 10 million dollars (that is 8.2 million euros)," Ioan Popa, general manager of Transavia told ZIARUL FINANCIAR.

Last year, the company reported a turnover worth 40 million euros and a profit worth 6 million dollars (that is 4.8 million euros).

Transavia completed an investment worth 3 million euros in a poultry farm and acquired another farm, which will bring the company at an annual production capacity of some 30,000 tonnes of live chicken. Transavia also plans to build a plant of cooked and half-cooked chicken products, with investments announced for this year to stand at a total 10 million euros.

"Next year we will invest approximately 10m euros in order to complete works started this year, in acquiring new equipment and in retooling. There have been changes in the trend of the consumer market, in that it pursued healthy and fresh products. Whereas two years ago we would sell frozen products almost exclusively, now we focus 85 percent of our business on refrigerated products," explained Ioan Popa.

Transavia was established in 1991, with 100% Romanian capital, 99.99% of the shares being owned by Ioan Popa. Transavia''s main competitors are Agricola International Bacau, Aaylex Bucharest, Agrisol International, Avicola Calarasi and a number of smaller players. According to the Romanian Union of Poultry Farmers (UCPR), there are 78 producers of chicken and 33 working slaughterhouses on the market of chicken, which produced 220,000 tonnes of meat last year. The market of poultry products was worth 600 million euros last year, a 7-8% increase on 2004.

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