ZF English

Transavia hopes to see profit similar to last year's

20.10.2006, 19:05 11

Alba Iulia-based Transavia, one of the leading poultry producers, saw a 40% increase in its volume of sales for the first nine months of the year against the same period in 2005, but the company revised its turnover and profit estimates downwards. Initially, Transavia had estimated a consolidated turnover worth 50 million euros and a profit worth 10 million dollars (8.2 million euros). However, the company's representatives estimate they will end the year with a turnover worth 45 million euros (against 40 million euros last year) and a profit at the same level as in 2005, some 5.5 million euros. "We are hoping to see a profit at least as big as that of last year," stated Ioan Popa, sole shareholder and general manager of the company, who had previously announced that the company had posted profit worth 2 million euros in the first half of this year.

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